Friday, October 29, 2010

28 Weeks...and House Pictures (FINALLY!)

28 weeks.  28 weeks.  I made it to the third trimester!  I can't believe this is already 2/3's over.  In just a few short months we are going to be able to actually meet our little girl!  She's real you know.  I felt her kick :)

My glucose screening test is on Tuesday (can't wait...) and I also have to get an Rh shot because apparently I am in the 20% of women who are Rh negative.  Great odds, huh?  But I took the day off, so score one for Jenny on that one! 

I have made some serious headway unpacking this week as my parents are visiting next weekend.  But did you know that when you're pregnant, you can't really do as much physical labor as you were able to do before?  I know, right?  Who knew?  I get winded pretty quickly and bending over to unpack a box has my abs feeling like I've been doing several hours of Pilates.  So with frequent breaks I have been able to knock out all of the upstairs and most of the office.  Yippee!

We're going to finish registering for the major tickets items this weekend as my sis is sending out the shower invites soon!  I cannot wait to have this registry done!  Then, you know, I can start receiving gifts :)  Ha!

So without further ado, here is my 28 week belly shot:

Girl is large and in charge.  How much bigger can I really get in 12 weeks?  Yikes.  Guess I'll just have to wait and see!

Now, some of you have been requesting house pictures!  I've been trying to hold you off until I got unpacked, but I figured you might want to see them before my little girl turns one so you'll have to excuse the boxes :)  Just pretend they're not there, okay?  And that we have furniture.

Up first, the dining room.  It is currently holding all of those items that were in the basement of our hold house that I know we don't need.  So I'm making Matt look through everything with me and for the love all that is holy please give some stuff away.  Until then, it will sit here.  Or until we buy a table.

This is looking into the living room from the dining room.  It is filled with a mixture of furniture that was in our old basement.  Low on the priority list to it will probably look like this for a few years.  But eventually it will be beautiful...

Also downstairs is the study.  It has really cool french doors which I wanted you to see.

I'm still in unpacking mode in this room and we have to build the desk/bookcase...but you get the idea.

That's all for now!  Still up, room...and all of the upstairs!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Matt felt our little girl kick yesterday. 


It was one of those forever moments, you know? 

Friday, October 22, 2010

27 Weeks!

27 weeks people!  My little girl is a whole 2 lbs. now!  Believe me, I can tell.  I feel like my belly has expanded exponentially in the last few weeks.  She's a growin'! 

P.S.  So are my boobs.  How they can still be growing I have no idea.  When I was doing laundry on Sunday, I tried to put on one of my old bras and I couldn't even get it around my waist to fasten it!  INSANE!  Putting clothes on that I haven't tried on in a while is SO not my idea of fun...

Along with her growth spurts I have developed back pain and more severe leg cramps.  You know the kind that wake you up and you have to get out of bed and walk around to make them stop?  Yeah.  That's what I have.  But I'm soaking up as many massages as I can from the that's a plus! 

Also, I'm feeling a bit more prepared for our little one's arrival.  We have nailed down some pieces of furniture to order...just waiting on some info about our glider and then we're golden.  What do you think??

I'm pretty much in love with it.  I didn't think I would get black furniture as I was leaning toward more of a pink/brown theme....but as soon as I saw this crib I knew it had to be mine :)  Good thing I waited to paint/decorate!  Ha!

We're also going to register this weekend!  I have started already online and made a serious dent, but I think a trip to the store is in order.  So that should be an adventure!

I have a doctor's appointment today and then in about a week I go for my glucose test.  Yum.  Not.  Hopefully all goes well with that and I know getting it done and out of the way will be a load off of my mind. 

I have been feeling her moving more and more lately, but I still feel behind in this area.  The only time I feel definite kicks/punches is at night when I roll over a bit too fast and she says, "Mom!  Stop!  I was trying to sleep!"  But other than that, it's more of a bubble feeling throughout the day.  How am I supposed to start counting kicks when I can't tell what the heck are kicks?  Blech.

I'm starting to have some serious issues getting up off the couch.  It's fairly low to the ground to begin with and it is just not a pretty sight.  Also, I discovered last night that my favorite position to sit on the couch is no longer working out.  You see, I'm crazy.  Apparently I cannot just sit on a couch like a normal person.  I must have my feet up at all times.  Not all sprawled out laying down or anything.  Just criss-crossed or folded up or something.  I didn't really know I did this until a few years ago when Matt told me.  And it's so true.  But now, having my legs all curled up squishes my stomach and it is not comfortable.  So you'd think I'd resort to sitting like a normal human being?  Nope.  Insert foot stool.

Today, you get the privilege of a t-shirt pic :)  I had to sport my Purdue shirt as they are playing Ohio State tomorrow and I need to represent.  Enjoy..

Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!  We're having company on Sunday....our first guests to our new house!  So, clearly I will be cleaning :)


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Morning friends!

Our weekend was just fabulous!  I feel like we got a million things accomplished in those short little two days and I could not be more excited! 

Saturday we spent most of the day down in Akron visiting Wayside Furniture.  Can I just tell you how in love with this place I am?  I found my dream couch, the dining room table I have been searching for, and a slew of other things I didn't even know I needed!  Ha!  We didn't make any purchases yet, but I see a new dining room table in our near future!

Sunday we ran a ton of errands (most a pumpkin!) and did some unpacking.  We unpacked our china which has been sitting in a box for *cough* over three years.  It's so beautiful and I cannot wait until Christmas so I can finally use it!!

Also, I've been meaning to post about this for about a million years, but let's just pretend I wanted to get some really good use out of this product before doing a review for my readers, shall we?

I was "recently" sent this beautiful lunch bag via Simply Bags.  As a bonus for get a sneak peak at my kitchen.  Well, approximately 1/12th of it. 

Honestly, I'm in love with it.  It's really well insulated, the embroidery is well done, and it fits anything and everything I take to work for lunch.  Which, let's face it, these a lot.  I can fit tupperware, fruit, yogurt, silverware, and snacks all in this thing.  Plus, it's stinkin' cute.

Hope everyone has a lovely Tuesday!!

*Disclosure:  Simply Bags sent me a free lunch tote in order to review their product on my blog.  The opinions on this blog, however, are all mine.*

Friday, October 15, 2010

26 Weeks!

I made it to 26 sweet weeks!  They just keep flying by!
Not too much pregnancy wise has been going on this week.  But we're working on furniture/registering this weekend...and I have a doctor's appointment next week.

So I'll just share a little picture with y'all.  Because those are always more fun than me babbling about how my sleep and eating are going.  But if you are interested, I'm TIRED.  And HUNGRY.  Shocking, right?  :)

She's a growing little girl :)

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Y'all.  I have been SO busy!

Time has gotten away from me this week.  I was out sick on Monday and then my replacement for work started this week and training has been insane.  Can you believe this guy doesn't know how to use Excel?  Like, for reals.  Talk about frustrating.  My patience is running t.h.i.n.  Adding a new sheet really isn't that hard, okay?  Right click, Insert.  Done.  NO...RIGHT CLICK!!  RIGHT CLICK!!

On top of all that, Matt's been out of town.  And dude.  I have turned into crazy hormonal pregnant wife over here and it is simply pathetic.  The man leaves for 2 nights and I can hardly stand it.  I'm a mess.  And in need of an intervention.  Now.

And my to do list for the baby keeps expanding.  And I am not crossing anything off.  Did you know when you have a baby you have to buy furniture for the room the baby is going to be staying in?  Like a crib?  And a dresser?  And a glider?  Well, you do.  And we haven't.  And don't even get me started on the fact that I have no idea what her beautiful name is going to be.  And have I finished registering?  Um, no.  Not even close.  But I did knock out a big chunk when I was home sick.  Seriously overwhelming people.  What the heck does a first time mom need?  WHO KNOWS??

So needless to say, I have been busy!  But I'm here.  And I'll hopefully be back to a normal posting/reading schedule soon.  As soon as I figure out how to blog and train someone to do my job at the same time.  Yeah.

Friday, October 8, 2010

25 Weeks..and Cookies!!

I think I'm going to change up the format a little bit for these posts.  I'm boring myself...

I'm 25 weeks pregnant.  25 freaking weeks.  Gosh I need to get my act together.  I feel like we haven't done anything.  No name, no furniture, no registry.  But then again, I feel like we have time.  Oh...I need to make a list.  Like now.

This week has been fairly intense.  Work has been overly stressful as I have had some personnel issues AND we found out yesterday that one of my friends who had just gotten let go last week died.  It's heartbreaking.  I don't really have any info about it, but my heart is so heavy.  He was just so young and seemingly happy.  It's all very confusing and just so sad.

On a lighter note, I've also been busy working on some cookies for a girl I work with.  She is pregnant as well and is having a beautiful baby boy next month!  Here is what I've been doing for the last three days after work:

I think they turned out really great!  I just hope she likes them!

Also this week I received a lovely package in the mail from my dear sister full of new maternity clothes!  Just what I needed, right?  What a blessing!

Pregnancy wise I have been feeling pretty great!  The second trimester rocks my world.  I'm having some trouble bending over now...and getting up off the couch...but I'll take that in a second over hip pain and throwing up.  Plus, I'm thinking these issues are going to get worse before they get better :)

AND, I'm pretty sure I can feel her moving in there now.  It's a weird sensation that feels a lot like bubbles popping.  And it's really low?  It's not super often but it's noticeable.  So either I feel her or I've been trying to get my husband to feel my own gas.  Hm.  Guess time will tell.

Onto the pics!  25 weeks = first belly pic in our new house!


Tuesday, October 5, 2010



  • We're officially in the new house!  The move came with our share of problems but let's just gloss over those, shall we?  We're in.  We've "returned" the old house and are officially in our very own home.  
  • My in laws completely rock my world.  They stayed an extra day to help out and our house is actually starting to come together.  Matt and I ate breakfast Monday morning and lamented about how long it was going to take us to get organized.  Well, when I came home from work there was so much done.  All of the boxes were in their appropriate rooms and the kitchen was nearly complete.  Furniture was even assembled.  Those fabulous people did in one day what would've taken us weeks to do.  Simply amazing.
  • I now have room to park in the garage and no longer have to back out of the longest driveway in the history of the world where I have already gone into the mud where our grass will eventually be more than once.  
  • I've cooked in my new kitchen and I heart my appliances.  They're so pretty :)
  • We haven't turned on the heat yet and I am FREEZING.  The last two nights I have slept in my robe because I didn't want any part of my skin to touch the sheets.  
  • Our Internet and Dish are both working!!
  •  I agreed to make cookies for a baby shower this weekend.  I am an idiot.  Like I have time for that now??  But on a brighter note...I have found the cookie cutter!
I'll share pictures super soon but I wanted to say a quick thanks for all thoughts and support this weekend!  Baby R made it through her first move with flying colors :)  Now...she's anxious to get started on her very own room!

Friday, October 1, 2010

How is it already 24 weeks....?

Sorry I've been a little MIA this week. We have a LOT going on.  As of Wednesday, we are officially homeowners!  I almost can't believe it!  And the house is just beautiful.  I am so happy with all of our selections and I cannot wait to see how it looks with furniture!

Our new refrigerator is being delivered today!  Woot!  And tomorrow is THE DAY.  You know the one.  MOVING DAY.  Ick.  I hate anything and everything about moving.  Sometimes I think it will be no big deal.  We'll get everything done, right?  Matt's parents are here.  We're getting moving helpers.  Matt's all Mr. Fix-it-y and "I can install this myself" kind of guy.  What can go wrong?


I'll let you know.

So as busy as we have been, I never really let it sink in I was 23 weeks pregnant.  And now I'm 24.  In two seconds I'll be 40 weeks and we'll have a baby.  Okay.  I need to stop.  I almost had a heart attack.

How Far Along:  24 weeks! 

Maternity Clothes:  I'm sick of talking about maternity clothes so this will be the last time.  Clearly I need more, but I'm cheap and too lazy to go shopping.  End of story.

Sleep: Pretty great this week actually.

Food: No problems here!

Best Moment of the Week:  Seeing our sweet girl in 3D on Saturday for sure.  Very, very cool. 

What I Miss:  Getting up off the floor without assistance.  Being able to stand for long periods of time without getting tired.  Thinking it was easy to put on socks and shoes. 

What I'm Looking Forward to:  The day we are completely unpacked, our old house is spotless, and we are living in our new home.  Hm.  Hopefully that's Sunday!