Morning friends! Sorry it's been a million years since I last posted. I really don't mean to take these breaks. Work has just been insane with me leaving and the impending holidays at my new, not fully unpacked house are taking their toll. Thanks for sticking with me!
Today marks 33 weeks for me and the babes. We're doing well and feeling okay. I get tired by the end of the day but other than that I truly can't complain.
My diabetes specialist put me on insulin in the evenings to curve my high blood sugar readings in the morning. Jabbing myself every night with a needle in the belly is certainly not my idea of a good time...but again, I'm thankful there is something I can do to help our little girl.
Because I'm on insulin, I have to go into the doctor twice a week for the remainder of my pregnancy. I had an ultrasound on Monday and she was measuring just two days ahead of schedule! I'm so relieved! I actually asked the tech if she was already huge and she just laughed at me. So far, I have a 4 1/2 lb. beautiful little girl.
I also had to be put on monitors whilst I was in the office to make sure her heart rate was normal. I was in the room with one other woman whose little one was just beating away completely normally. But not ours! She kept moving around like crazy and making the machine get really loud totally out of the blue. Honestly, it was hilarious! My girl does not stay in one place any longer. The doctor kept walking by and saying, "happy baby!" She sure is!
We start our childbirth classes this weekend! Things are really starting to come together. I haven't really let myself think about giving birth because honestly the thought of it terrifies me...but I'm starting to get more comfortable with the idea of actually having our baby. I mean, it's one day, right? And then I get to take home our sweet little girl and love on her every second of every day. I simply cannot wait!
And for your viewing pleasure, here's a little sneak peak at some pics from my shower I had over Thanksgiving weekend at home. It was so beautiful and everything my family put together was just perfect! I'll share more when I get some pics from my sis.
Pay attention to the gorgeous candy buffet. Sure, it's a diabetics nightmare...but so worth it.