You are 4 months old ( were 4 months on the 15th...but give me a break)! You are growing so quickly it is making your mama a little sad. Sure, it's super exciting to watch you learn, grow, and try new things...but you are doing it at the speed of light my sweet girl! I simply cannot handle it.
At your 4 month appointment you were:
Weight: 16 lbs. 4 oz. (97%) Height: 25 3/4 inches (95%)
Little one, you are growing like a weed! When I told the doctor you were only breastfeeding she said I must have some powerful milk! Ha! I guess so because you are living proof.
You screamed your little head off at the doctor's office the entire visit. I don't even think you knew you got two shots. I'm pretty sure you were just tired as you passed out 30 seconds after I put you in the car, but Mommy would appreciate it if you didn't do that again.
You are still eating fairly often...every 3 hours or so. You easily go longer if you are napping. I think you still eat this often because you sleep so well at night. You're down between 7 and 7:30 and will usually sleep until after 7 in the morning. If you do wake up before then and are fussy...Mama feeds you and puts you back down. Then you'll sleep later...sometimes until after 9! Those are some good days.
You're in size 3 diapers now and mostly 6 month clothes. You can still fit into a few 3 month onesies but they are growing snug around your fatty thighs. Mama's sorry about those sweetie. You got those from me...
You've started to let other people hold you this month! Good thing because you made Grandma very sad when you didn't let her hold you last month. You like to keep Mommy close by for the most part...but you're getting better. I'm glad you've had the opportunity to do this with so many people who love you!
You are smiling and laughing so much more now! I wouldn't say you've had an actual giggle yet, but you do a happy scream :) You're a very happy girl and are talking quite a bit these days. Baby talk, that is. We've also been working on sitting and standing. You much prefer standing and your little leggies are getting so strong already!
Mommy started back at the gym this month. Yes darling. It took me 4 months to go back. I could blame it all on you and the fact that I was afraid to leave you in the nursery (I was) but I won't. You do beautifully with the sweet ladies there. I almost always find you swinging away either sleeping or watching all of the other kiddos running around. Apparently you are a joy. This I knew...
Your Grandmer and Grandad came to visit this month and you really enjoyed yourself! They visited for your first Easter! You weren't super interested in your baskets but you have been enjoying your music very much. Mommy sings to you when you're playing on your activity mats and I'm pretty sure you get a kick out of it. Your current favorite tune is Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes.
When your grandparents were here, you got a fan installed in your room. Little girl, it is your favorite thing! I'm pretty sure you could stare at that fan for hours. You just scream and laugh whenever it's on.
You've started really grabbing for toys this month and are actually able to pick them up. 100% of the time they head straight for your mouth. You are always chomping on your fingers and drooling all over the place. I fear teeth are not far away...
This month you had your very first babysitter. One of Mommy's friends watched you for a few hours and you were so good! I got lots of texts and pictures while I was gone because I missed you so much. It was super hard for me to leave your little face...but I'm hoping with time it will get easier. I just cannot get enough of you, my sweet princess.
This month also held some single mommy time for you and me when Daddy was in Hong Kong for a week. We were really sad but quickly adjusted to our new schedule and had a great time just us girls. At the end of that week, we took your first road trip to Indy and you were a rock star! Mommy was super nervous about going alone, but you put her at ease. I'm sure this is just the beginning of many, many road trips just the two of us.
Natalie, your Daddy and I could not love you more! You are so special to us and we could not have asked for a more perfect addition to our family. I love you so much! I could kiss your little cheeks every second of everyday and it wouldn't be enough.
Now quit growing!
She really is a big girl. Being in the 95th percentile? Wow! Impressive! Your milk must really have some superpowers
And she is SO cute! Happy 4 months baby doll
she doesn't look like a baby anymore! She's a beautiful little girl! Congrats to you Jenny!
soooo precious. what a beautiful little girl!
So apparently our milk could not be more different! Our little dude is still probably 12-13 pounds at 4 months and in size 1 diapers! Yikes!
AWWW! She is getting so big so fast! How gorgeous!
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