Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Natalie's First Tooth!

Well, folks.  We've officially entered the world of teething.


Natalie has been leaking some serious drool for several months now and putting anything and everything she can find in her mouth.  We knew it wouldn't be long until those pearly little whites showed themselves.

As she was gnawing away on my finger Saturday evening, I thought I felt something a little pokey.  Sure enough...I could see it!  My sweet little girl had her first tooth!  

So far, she has been handling it very well.  She's been spending a little extra TLC with Sophie and a frozen wash cloth, both of which are helping.  But no trouble sleeping so far, thank goodness.

But listen to her poor little sweetie...goes and cuts a tooth the same week she tries bananas.  You know what that means.  The worst constipation of all time...that's what.  I have never felt so bad for her in my whole life.  She was in so much pain on and off for over 24 hours because of those stupid bananas.  Never again people.  Never again.  She's on a strict diet of sweet potatoes and avocados which seems to have done the trick.  I've never felt so helpless in my entire life.  Saddest little cries I've ever heard.

But today, we're doing much better.  I'm pretty sure it's because we took a sick day yesterday.  We stayed home from the gym, snuggled on the couch, and watched Friday Night Lights all day.  Perfect cure!  See...


Now please don't tell her I wrote a post about her poop, okay? 


Lucy Marie said...

Awww man. Thankfully (knock on wood) we haven't had any trouble with constipation ... usually our trouble is the opposite way :) Yay for tooth #1!!

Jessi said...

oh, bananas. we did the same thing. had them one day and haven't had them on their own since.
JW cut his first tooth on Friday.
These babies are just growing up way too fast! Hope she's feeling better!

Lindsey said...

Hahaha she is going to be so embarrased when she sees this, jk!:) YAYAYA for tooth #1!

Lauren said...

Yeah a tooth! How exciting! What a funny story to accompany it, she will definitely be embarrassed when she reads this. Good luck with the rest of teething.

Kristen said...

she is so stinking cute! I just love babies when they get a tooth or two, makes for great photos! :)

The Shabby Princess said...

Nope, nope, nope, I'm not allowing it. She isn't old enough to be getting teeth!

Gah, she just gets cuter every day!