Ah, the weekends...they go so fast. But this one turned out to be really nice. We spent most of the afternoon on Saturday supporting our favorite wannabe politician, Dan, at a cookout. He works with Matt and is running for City Counsel in our city. It was nice to mingle with friends and munch on the yummy food! Don't worry, I loaded up on fruits and veggies and I also threw in some shrimp. I did perhaps eat 1/2 of Matt's chocolate chip cookie when he left the table, but I don't really think that counts. I mean, it wasn't even on my plate.
I will say it was freaking freezing outside. The wind was so crazy that kids' plates of food were flying all over the place. Cute, but messy. Since when did summer end in August?
We grilled out ourselves that night on the patio. Grilled chicken is just one billion times better on the grill than the George Foreman. Not even comparable....
Because of the cookout, we switched our grocery trip to Sunday...which was a nice change. The crowds didn't seem to be as swarming as they usually are on Saturdays. We relaxed, grilled burgers, caught up on Netflix (discovered movies you could instantly play on your computer!), and napped. It was glorious. I even took a crack at cutting Matt's hair! I wasn't too shabby...if I must say so :)
I'm just always so thankful for the time I get to spend with my husband during these few days of the week. He works so hard and I am just so glad he has this time to relax and do what he wants. I...on the other hand...do not work very hard. I blog. At work. And I get paid to do it. (Don't get the wrong idea...I work when I need to. We just happen to have a LOT of downtime!)
Hope everyone's weekend was lovely!!
Life Lately: Week 7
3 days ago