It's finally Friday!
I'm really excited for this holiday weekend. Halloween used to be one of my favorite holidays when I lived at home. I loved passing out all of the candy and getting to see the kids dressed in their outfits. They are just the cutest! Except for the time I gave a little boy a piece of candy and he replied, "Thanks poop." I'm not even kidding..
This will be the third year Matt and I have lived in our house for Halloween. The first year I was crazy excited to be able to pass out my very own candy! And you know what? We got two kids. Two. And they came at like 6:00 p.m. I stood at the door like a sad little puppy, waiting for the kids to come so I could pass out my huge bowl of candy. Instead, I ate the Reese;s Cups myself.
The next year, I was prepared. I only bought one bag just in case. But we got ZERO kids! Ouch! And I ate the candy, again.
So this year, we have taken a different approach. We're going over to one of our friend's houses and helping them pass out candy. They get a ton of kids....and they have a little boy who is celebrating his very first Halloween!! So not only do I get to pass out candy to kids....but I get to see baby Braden in his little outfit and I can't wait!
The rest of our weekend will be fairly low key. My parents are coming up on the 13th of next I have some stuff to do to prepare for their arrival...but that's about it!
Hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Halloween!!
Life Lately: Week 7
3 days ago