We had the most amazing Easter service this morning. The music was fantastic. The choir was phenomenal. The church was filled to the brim with so many people singing to Jesus. It was one of those moments I literally had to hold my chest to keep the tears from flowing. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. Like I felt like dancing in the aisles like a crazy lady...amazing :)
Don't worry. I didn't.
But don't you wish every Sunday could be like that? Where so many people would flock to one place to worship Jesus every week instead of just twice a year?
This thought has been with me today and I'm unsure what to do with it.
I know I can't control others and the best way to show people the way is to live it out loud! So I'm going to try my best to do that. But you know what's so frustrating and comforting all at the same time?
That nothing I do will ever been good enough.
And it doesn't have to be.
Thanks goodness, huh? Or I would seriously be in a world of trouble.
It brought to mind a situation last year where one of my co-workers approached me about my reading of the Bible. We had a little chat about it and he ended the conversation with something like, "Keep reading." And it was very much in the sense of, "You have a lot to learn...and a lot of changes to make Missy."
Needless to say I was offended. Shockingly I didn't say anything. I know. You're not surprised. But I have let this comment stew inside for many, many months. I let it define me...like I wasn't living a Christian life because of this one man's opinion.
Well you know what I learned today?
He was right. I do have a lot of learn. But I have peace in what I already know. I know that who I am today is enough. A girl who has made so many mistakes, many of which are between her and God alone. A girl who gets jealous easily, is sometimes quick to judge, and ate too many Reese's Eggs to count today. I'm enough.
My prayer is to keep this fire I feel today burning everyday. To live for my Creator and in his name alone. To love the Lord with all my heart and share his joy with others. To pass that joy along to my future children and my family.
Happy Easter my friends. May the Lord bless you today and everyday!!
Life Lately: Week 7
3 days ago
What an AWESOME Post!!!!
I feel the same way as you sometimes at church, usually when we are singing and I just realize how many people in are in room praising Jesus at the same time. Its awesome and humbling!
Great post! Thanks for sharing. I needed this today. I have been struggling with some things lately. Expect an email on your doorstep (or, in your inbox) soon.
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