Although it is REALLY early, the schedule actually kinda rocks my world. I get off at 3 p.m., which is delightful, especially in the summer. I have time to go to the gym, start dinner, and even (if I'm lucky) watch an episode of Days all before Matt gets home. Even though we go to bed at 10 p.m. like my grandparents, it works for us.
So on my drive into work this morning something really awesome happened! I got to wear my sunglasses! I am crazy loving the fact that I can see the sun when I leave for work and it is staying light out later and later. Last night it was still beautiful at 8:30 p.m.
So this brings me to the purpose of my post...sunglasses. I am obsessed with them. I have been for as long as I can remember. I'm not really obsessed with the type of sunglasses I have, although I love my current pair, but really just wearing them in general. I think they are the best accessory of all time. They are a perfect head band when the sun goes down or to hold back any crazy fly-aways I oh so often get. Here's a look at one of my old faves:

I distinctly remember getting mean comments from my sister about she found them to be a little "Star Treky." Think what you want, I loved them!
Here's my current pair (hard to choose a pic since I wear them in every single one....)

I love these sunglasses and they are by far my favorite pair I have ever had. They are huge and cover all sides of my face...not letting even the hint of sun in. I never pay more than $15 for sunglasses (because I tend to not treat them with much care, ie. sit on them) but Hubs secretly bought these little gems for me for Christmas and I have not lost/broken them for years! Go me!
Confession: I sometimes wear my sunglasses and use my headlights at the same time. Take this morning, it wasn't sunny enough for me to turn off my lights...but it was definitely sunny enough for me to have to wear my sunglasses!
Now I honestly think that I have some sort of eye sensitivity issue. I'm not sure if this is something that I have always had or something I have created by wearing my sunglasses 24-7...but I just have to now. The sun seriously blinds me. I'm really not wearing my sunglasses to "look cool" (although I most certainly do!) but because I NEED to. I'm always the last one to take them off when the sun goes down outside and I am constantly getting comments about it. It is seriously annoying. My favorite one is when people ask me if it's sunny when we're inside or it's nighttime when I'm just wearing them on top of my head. I mean...what is that even supposed to mean? If it was sunny, wouldn't I be wearing the sunglasses over my eyes?? It just dosn't make any sense.
So here's a tribute to my favorite accessory! Although it is sometimes exhausting sticking up for you guys, you look fabulous and protect my little eyes at the same time! What could be better!?!
Does anyone heart their sunglasses as much as I do??
I need to get another pair. I am always loosing mine and everytime it takes me a bit longer to get back to the store for another pair. I too only spend about 15 dollars on sunglasses:p That gives me an idea for my birthday! I've been wanting a good pair but won't spend the money myself:p The hubs just totally took away the one gift he could have gotten me last night so gotta think of another...See my latest post:p
I was the same way too - horribly abusive to every pair of sunglasses I ever owned...until Newlywed Husband bought me a pair of nice Ralph Lauren ones, and I've actually managed to keep them intact for a whole year!
I love my sunglasses too! I COMPLETELY agree that they can double as a cute hair accessory. There have been many times I have strictly stuck them on top of my head to help with a not-so-great hair day =)
P.S. I'm a big fan of Target sunglasses. They are only $5! So...even if you break them it's no big deal!
I am the same way, and I have a pair like yours and Garth calls me "ant eyes."
haha I love eyes are light-sensitive, so I tend to wear shades when its super bright... xxooo
I know exactly what you mean about being sun sensitive! I need to wear mine when I am outside, especially if I am walking or driving, even if it's overcast - it's still bright! I never pay more than $20.00 for my glasses because I totally trash them too...
I love my sunglasses and freak out if I'm ever without them! My eyes are super duper sensitive to light - which has something to do with the fact that they are super blue and also that I've had lasik surgery. I wear them on cloudy days, too. I have an "emergency pair" of sunglasses that stays in my car at all times...theoretically. Sometimes, if it's super sunny and I'm without my shades...I literally can barely open my eyes, and they water like crazy!
Yes I wear mine as often too. It doesn't have to be sunny to wear sunglasses in my opinion.
I am exactly the same with sunglasses! Have been miserable ever since the little one scratched my favorite pair. BUT found an excellent replacement: a la Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast At Tiffany's!!!
I can't believe we have the same birthday!! Ahhh... see? We were bloggie fate!!
And good Lord, that's an early hour to be waking up!
I love a good pair of sunglasses. I don't wear them nearly often enough. Your current pair...totally stellar! I'm a huge fan of the big ones that cover half your face.
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