So, have I talked to y'all about my job yet?
You know I'm not going back, right? Or did I forget to mention that?
Yep. I'm done. December 17th to be exact. 23 glorious more working days. In only a little over a month I'll be retired. At least that's what I keep telling Matt. He seems to think this whole not working thing is temporary. He's got another thing coming...
But in all seriousness, I could not be more thrilled! I feel so privileged and blessed to be able to stay home and raise our little girl.
It's weird how far I've come from the woman I used to be. When I was younger, being a stay at home mom was not something I ever, ever wanted to do. Maybe that's because my mom didn't stay home. Or maybe it's because I went to college with the intentions of becoming a doctor. Either way, staying home raising babies was not something I even considered. It's not like I was against the option...I just never thought it would be a possibility.
And then I met Matt. And my whole life changed. I realized that I didn't want to be in school for that long and work so hard for a career I wasn't sure I wanted. All I really knew I wanted was to be his wife and have a life that allowed me to spend as much time with him as possible.
Years later, that's still what I want.
Don't get me wrong. I still have my own goals. Ambitions. Dreams for my life. They just include a husband and now a baby and all that goes along with those precious people. They're different goals. I've changed. But I have never once felt like I have lost myself. It's completely the opposite. I feel like I have found myself. Found the person I am supposed to be and the person I'm supposed to be with.
Truly a blessing, I tell you. post about how I'm becoming a SAHM has somehow morphed into how cool my husband is. How did that happen? Hm. Clearly it is no longer all about me :)
Life Lately: Week 9
2 days ago
My prayer right now is that when the time comes, I'll be able to stay home with my children. My mom DID stay at home with us, and it means more and more to me as I get older. I just hope it'll be able to happen.
Congratulations!! That is SO exciting and such a blessing!
Yay, that is so exciting that you get to stay home :) After the day I had today at work I told the Hubs that I wanted to be a housewife!
Lucky you! I must admit I'm insanely jealous as I search for daycares for Jamie. They're all so expensive...and kind of depressing, even the nice ones. It just breaks my heart....but we don't have any other choice.
Wow, that is so wonderful!!!! I hope to do the same someday. :)
More power to ya! Hubs and I talk about our options and I think as long as we are in the spot with money that were in, I have to work :( I'd love to be a stay at home mom though. Having a clean house, clean babies, and hot meal on the table every day would be an awesome job!! best of luck lady!
So happy for you! I know exactly what you mean about never even thinking about being a SAHM. I always thought I wanted to be a career woman and work, work, work. Then, I met my husband, got married and while I want to work, it's more important to me to be at home with my family. So glad you'll be able to stay home with your sweet daughter.
That's great that you'll be able to stay at home! I am right there with you – when I was younger I never even understood that you COULD stay at home with your children. My mother worked and I always assumed I would work once I had children.
I love how you said: "All I really knew I wanted was to be his wife and have a life that allowed me to spend as much time with him as possible." So true for me as well!! As soon as I fell in love with my husband, my life changed and he became my main priority. We aren't ready to have children, but I know when we do, I'll want to make them at the top of my priority list as well. And I don’t want a stressful 40-plus-hour-a-week job to get in the way of what is most important in my life!
YAY! So exciting! I'm so happy for you!
good for you, you're gonna LOVE it! I've been at home for the last 2 years with my kids. I'm excited to go back to work but dreading someone else taking care of my kids. I'm happy for you my friend!
Congratulations!!! You will be a great mother!
That's wonderful that you'll get to be a SAHM!
so excited for you!
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