Have I mentioned I have a dream of being a fantastic runner?? Well I do. I think I REALLY just have a dream of having a runner's body...but hey...I'm sure they got that body from running, right?
I was very active in high school, playing volleyball, basketball, and running track (and when I say running...I mean throwing...and really I mean just leaving practice early to go get slurpies and some pizza!) so you wouldn't think this running thing would be do difficult for me. Well you'd be wrong! I'm super slow and I've never run more than a mile in my life...and that was just when I was forced to run them in gym class.
First I thought...set a goal. So my goal is to run a 5K sometime this year.
Second I thought...figure out your training plan. I went to the Internet and found two 8-week programs. The first one is for beginning runners and the second one is for people who can already run about 2 miles and are training for a 5K.
Third I thought...do it! I'm on my third week of training...
I do all of my training in 30 minute increments (so this has equaled out to me doing these sequences 4 times).
Week 1: Walk 6 minutes, run 1 minute (repeat); do three times a week
This week was fairly simple. I have already been running off and on for about a year (not in long increments mind you) but a minute I can handle.
Week 2: Walk 5 minutes, run 2 minutes (repeat); do three times a week
I admit this was a little bit harder. I truly felt like this week was going to be it for me. I couldn't believe how tired my body got from just running two minutes at a time!
Week 3: Walk 3 minutes, run 4 minutes (repeat); do four times a week
I have feared this week since I saw the training program. It is a jump from running 8 out of 30 minutes to running 16! Um...what??
But I am so crazy excited to tell you...that yesterday....I actually did it! I literally almost puked one time...but I never stopped! I am so not looking forward to the next three times this week I have to do it...or the fact that next week I have to run even more....but I'm trying to focus right now on what I just did!
I know this doesn't seem like much to my running friends but it really is quite an accomplishment for me. Y'all are such an inspiration and I really love reading about all of your training. Maybe someday...you'll read about mine!
Life Lately: Week 2
6 days ago